Bron-Y-Garn Surgery
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Did Not Attend (DNAs)
Missed appointments (Did Not Attends – DNAs) in general practice reduce clinical capacity and waste money.
The demand for GP and Nurse appointments is growing all the time. It is vitally important that patients let the practice know if they cannot attend a booked appointment or feel that the appointment is no longer required as problem has resolved. This will then allow the appointment to be offered to another patient.
We understand that at times trying to cancel by phone is a difficult task due to constant queues within our phone system. To make it easier to cancel appointments, we have now set up a dedicated phoneline – with no waiting and will allow you to record a message. These messages will be reviewed and actioned daily by our staff.
New Dedicated Cancellation Line Number: 01656 812 975
All cancellations should be notified with at least 48 hours’ notice where possible.
We have reviewed our Did Not Attend Policy
- If a patient fails to attend x 2 Appointments within a 12-month period, they will be sent a letter to offer them the opportunity to discuss the reasons why they didn’t attend with the Practice Manager.
- If a patient fails to attend a third appointment, then a final warning letter will be issued explaining that failure to attend any further appointments, may at the discretion of the Doctors, result in them being removed from the practice list.
Published: May 26, 2022