
Manage, monitor and learn about your Asthma.


If you have been diagnosed with asthma you will be invited for an annual review with the Practice Nurse.  During these reviews the Practice Nurse will discuss your asthma control, check your inhaler technique and optimise your treatment.  This appointment will typically take 20 minutes. 

When you are due for your review you could complete an online review using the form bellow before your appointment.  You can also check your inhaler technique using these videos.

We encourage patients who have asthma to have a written asthma action plan as this makes you four times less likely to be admitted to hospital for your asthma. You can download the action plans below and the Practice Nurse can help you fill this in. 

image depicting asthma







Sustainability in healthcare is a very important priority and at Bron-Y-Garn we are looking at ways in which we can help improve the environment.  Recycling your inhalers by taking them to our local pharmacies who support the Complete The Cycle project is a very easy change to make.  A large proportion of the NHS carbon footprint is due to a certain type of inhaler, the Metered Dose Inhaler.  Simply changing this type of inhaler, where appropriate, to a Dry Powder Inhaler can have a significant environmental benefit.