Private Fees

Please see below for a list of our latest fees

Insurance Claim Form £35.00
School Fees Insurance Claim £45.00
Travel Cancellation Certificate £35.00
Private Sicknote £35.00
Letter Re Support of Absence £35.00
Reports Without Examination £100.00
Reports with Examination £120.00
Letter of Report for School £35.00
'To Whom It May Concern' letters £35.00
Private Prescription £0
Taxi Medical £125.00

image depicting a nurse


Supporting letters for Personal Independence Payment (PIP) applications

The Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) staff and Citizens’ Advice Bureau staff sometimes suggest that individuals submitting applications for PIP ask for a “supporting letter” from their GP.

Often, due to the health conditions which make someone eligible to apply for PIP, these can be long and complicated reports which can take up a lot of the doctor’s time.

They are not covered under the terms of the NHS GP Contract, which means that there is no time or funding provided for the time needed to do these and they will incur a charge.

We are aware that charging the usual professional fees may be unaffordable for some of those applying for these benefits, and therefore generally it is practice policy not to provide supporting letters as we do not feel they offer any advantage over simply entering the information personally on the application form.

The practice will gladly supply a print-out of medical diagnoses and medications which can be submitted.

If the DWP requires additional medical information they will ask for it, and they have specific forms for the GPs to complete for this purpose – these do fall under the NHS GP Contract and will always be completed.